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How To Become A Victoria's Secret Angel in 2022
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How To Become A Victoria's Secret Angel in 2022
Christina T. Peterson
Christina T. Peterson
January 31, 2022
9 min

Everyone has been in a Victoria’s Secret store at least once or has seen the well known Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. Victoria’s Secret became an iconic modeling agency by selling their brand around the personalities of the models but not the products. In the traditional modeling days, models were only avatars to put your clothes that designers made. You had been seeing them on well known magazines like Vogue or Elle. To have a good body, high volume hair and nice looking facial features was enough to become a model. But nowadays you should have a personality and many more specialties to become a Victoria’s Secret angel.

Starting off your modeling career at lesser known, but important agencies is your first step to become a VS angel. Most Victoria’s Secret angels start at modeling agencies like Elite Model Management, Elle Model Management and New York Model Management. These agencies are known around the world of fashion for producing some of the biggest names in the modeling industry today.

Girls from all around the world dream of becoming a model for this famous brand. In order to achieve that goal, you should be physically fit and have a sense of style, but also know how to make men drool.

Combine all these qualities and you will get yourself an angel contract, which includes a lot of money and new friends.

First thing first, being a Victoria’s Secret angel is not easy. Wearing the hottest clothes, meeting celebrities, the long flights and the fame are just part of it. It also takes years of practice, devotion and some luck to become one of those angels. It helps if you’re 5’9” and 130 pounds.

Many top models like Gisele Bündchen, Tyra Banks and Heidi Klum started at many of these agencies. Participating in a modeling competition is the fastest way to become a model with agencies like these. Almost 95% of models are found at some of the largest modeling competitions in the world. Here are some tips to help you become one of Victoria’s Secret angels.

  • Know your measurements. The ideal height of a VS angel is 5’9” (barefoot) with 34-24-34 body measurements.
  • Get someone to take your photo. You’ll need this picture to approach a modeling agency. Agencies that help with the casting of VS angels will want to see how you appear on film.
  • Registering yourself on modeling sites is another way to become a VS angel. Let the world know that you exist.
  • Go to the open call at Elite or Ford Models in New York City. These agencies are mainly responsible for settling the contracts of VS angels. An open call is the time spent by agencies to meet new models. Contact them and ask when their open calls will be held. You can also browse their site to look for that information. Be sure to have great photos and look amazing when you arrive at the agency.
  • If you’re not accepted, show your photos to local modeling agencies near your area. If you get signed, establish friendships with professional photographers. You’ll need those images to grab Victoria’s Secret’s attention.
  • Be skinny and take good care of your body. Stop eating junk foods and go to the gym. You can hire a trainer or a nutritionist if you’re not naturally thin, but possess the basic body type of a VS angel.
  • Be on time and professional. Be nice. Nobody looks up to a conceited or snobby person.
  • If you’ve been on the cover of Vogue before you’re 18 years old, your chances of being a VS angel are better.
  • Join the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show Competition. This competition is held once a year, so be sure to look out for it. The competition requires interested individuals to be from the United States, female, stand at a minimum of 5’8” (barefoot) and between 18 to 30 years old. Victoria’s Secret angels are adored by most men.

Here now let’s dive into more details. Here is a zero to hero guide for you in becoming a top model process.

Step One: The Initiation

The first step to becoming a Victoria’s Secret Angel is called the ‘initiation.’ This process is actually very personal and unique for each person.

Some girls tell stories of their fathers teaching them how to walk like an Angel, other Angels have spoken about wanting to be a model since they were children or being inspired by a loved one.

Whatever happens, this step should feel right and unforgettable as it will set the tone for your future as a Victoria’s Secret model.

Once you’ve gained some experience as a model you can start thinking about returning home from an assignment exhausted but satisfied because you had so much fun with your fellow Angels at dinner or shopping together, rather than feeling drained from being surrounded by people and cameras all day and only having the company of your driver.

When you look back at pictures from a vacation or premiere party and cannot remember any details, even though it felt like an amazing experience, you will know that this first step didn’t feel quite right. The Initiation should be unforgettable because it is the start of something beautiful that could last for many years to come.

You can never go wrong with planning something significant that has meaning to you as an individual; using your creativity to surprise yourself will make this crucial part of your journey unforgettable.

Everyone involved should feel excited about what’s going on and it should contribute to setting up a happy and successful future together.

Step Two: Finding Your Unique Look

The second step is to find your ‘unique look.’ This means developing a style of modeling that makes you stand out from the rest.

Remember you are already unique which is what made this whole thing possible, so now it’s about cultivating and shaping your uniqueness so it grows into something more professional, marketable and successful.

This can be challenging at first as everyone has different interests and goals but if you stick with it and really work hard on yourself, learning about yourself and what you want will become easier.

It’s especially helpful to ask friends for their opinions on things because they don’t have any ulterior motives – often we’re too close to ourselves to make decisions clearly or know how others see us.

Step Three: Becoming Professional

The third step is to become professional. This means taking your new look and turning it into something that can land you paid jobs with great people.

It’s common for models starting out to get frustrated because they are not booked for the right type of assignment but this is all part of developing yourself into a top model.

The truth is that most new models aren’t ready yet, either in terms of their look or their confidence, so it’s important not to be too hard on yourself while you’re finding your feet.

Step Four: Developing Confidence

The fourth step is about developing confidence. This may seem strange when talking about modeling, which some people think requires little-to-no-experience or self-assurance, but it’s actually crucial to take the time and effort to become confident in your own skin.

You can’t fake confidence that will only make you more self-conscious which is why it’s important to get this step right from the start.

If you’re finding it hard to develop a sense of positivity about yourself then look no further than the mirror for help.

Spend a few minutes every morning looking at yourself in the mirror and telling yourself something good about your appearance or personality.

This takes practice but once you see how well it works just by spending 10 minutes every day focusing on all your positive qualities then it’ll be worth it.

Before long you’ll feel better about everything within reason and be ready to take on whatever comes your way with a smile.

Step Five: Getting the Right Assignments

The fifth step is getting the right assignments. This means continuing to develop your look and personality while also developing an understanding of what different markets want so you can get jobs doing things that help launch your career in the best possible way.

This is where attending modeling schools and training programs is very useful because they understand this process better than anyone else and will guide you through it without any hassle.

If you’re looking for something less formal then there are also plenty of websites dedicated to helping models find work; nearly all agencies have them and many people add listings which is how new opportunities arise.

Don’t forget about social media, either, as lots of people post opportunities on sites like Facebook which are regularly seen by people in the industry.

Step Six: Becoming a Top Model

The sixth step is about becoming a top model. This will take time, effort and persistence but if you’ve come this far then it’ll be well worth all your hard work.

Once you’re skilled enough to handle most assignments with ease then you’ll start getting more offers than ever before which means even more opportunities to develop yourself further and build an impressive portfolio of work.

Life will feel good once again but this time there’s no turning back because nothing will stop you reaching the very top! Keep up the motivation and never give up because when it comes to modeling success can happen at any time but it also might never happen at all.

Step Seven: Having Fun with Your Career

The seventh and final step is to have fun with your career. This means continuing to develop as a person because you will only get better as time passes, growing from a new model into a trusted industry professional who knows exactly what to do in any situation.

You’ll be able to handle every challenge that comes your way with ease now which means you can focus on enjoying yourself instead of worrying too much about the future or past – just focus on making things work and overcoming any obstacles that come between you and victory.

Posing for Photo-shoots

When models aren’t busy doing photo shoots, shows or promotions, they must keep their bodies in prime shape.

Most of these models maintain active social lives with friends and family, but still find time for workouts around their schedules.

The physical demands required of Victoria’s Secret Angels are so demanding that most don’t have particularly strenuous lifestyles outside of modeling.

Aspiring models should get used to exercising regularly throughout the year because runway seasons correspond with shoot dates.

The best way for models to stay active is by maintaining a healthy diet that includes lots of water, lean proteins and complex carbohydrates found in fruits and vegetables. They must also drink plenty of fluids throughout the day to keep them hydrated.

Fitness is part of the job

Of course, being a VS model means having an excellent figure! If you want to become one of them, then you need to start working on your body right away.

The more muscles - the better. Try doing some cool stuff with dumbbells every day and maybe use some supplements just to get ripped quickly. Who knows, maybe your dream will come true in just a month or two.

Know how to dress yourself properly

Being an angel doesn’t mean that you can take any old thing and put it on. For example, in the winter you need to have 3-4 big furry jackets at hand so that you can choose which one matches your mood.

The same goes for shorts. You should have them in every color possible so when you wake up early in the morning, before going to work, there’s no time wasted searching for the perfect pair of shorts.

Be ready to smile 24/7

You are being constantly watched by fans all around the world! They expect nothing less than perfection.

So you should be tense all the time and ready to do some cool poses at any moment. Always have your phone on you, so that when they call, you can smile real fast.

Don’t get upset over little things

Even if some loser guy is trying to ruin your day by yelling something offensive at you while walking down the street, just smile. That’s what an angel does.

If you start screaming back at him - he will definitely take a picture of it with his cellphone and tell everyone about how aggressive VS models are.

Be ready to read some instructions out loud once in a while.

Even though being smart isn’t part of your job description, sometimes the crew asks you to read some random phrases, just so they can test your willingness to follow the rules.

Promote yourself 24/7

Even if you are half way around the world now, you cannot stop promoting yourself. You should be uploading pictures on Facebook every day and make sure that people know how cool you are. Don’t forget to tag VS in those pictures, because who knows - maybe they will want to contact you.

Be patient! It’s not easy being an angel

Sometimes it takes months or even years until someone makes a decision about signing you up as a model for Victoria’s Secret.

Sometimes during that time nothing happens at all. So try not to waste too much time waiting for your luck to come knocking on your door. Instead, just dress up and stay fit! One day it will happen.

And that’s all there is to know. I hope you enjoyed my short article about how to become a Victoria’s Secret model. And remember – have fun with your glamorous life and always follow your dreams.

Follow the tips stated above and be one of those angels.

Here is a starting guideline for you to learn how to have facial features like Victoria’s Secret Angels. Check this out!

how to have a face like a victorias secret angel


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Christina T. Peterson

Christina T. Peterson

Fashion Designer

Table Of Contents

Step One: The Initiation
Step Two: Finding Your Unique Look
Step Three: Becoming Professional
Step Four: Developing Confidence
Step Five: Getting the Right Assignments
Step Six: Becoming a Top Model
Step Seven: Having Fun with Your Career

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